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Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Letter to my Dear Beloved.

A Letter to my Dear Beloved.
Part I
Dear My beloved,
I have been sincerely asking God,
To send an angel into my life…
I hope you are that special someone.
My dear beloved,
You are so sweet and tender in my heart,
How I long for the moment when your physical presence,
Shall throw a cloak of love around my life.
You create a wonderfully delicious sensation in my heart.
You must be a speccial gift
God has been keeping for me.
My dear beloved,
Good morning my sweet angel.
I cannot help thiking about you.
I believe you will be my source of eternal joy,
In turn, I promise I’ll always love you,
I want to be the only love of your life.
My dear beloved,
My heart is open,
Just waiting for you to step in,
And pick my undying love.
Sweet dreams, my princess.

A letter to my Dear Beloved
Part II
My Dear beloved,
Sorry for not being able,
To talk to you the whole day.
Hope you didn’t miss me ,
As badly as I needed to hear your voice.
If all goes according to my desires,
It is you I’ll keep my heart for.
Love you darling.
My dear beloved,
Though you are far,
Your spirit touches every bit of me.
Your willingness to love me,
Is a treasure that God has been keeping for me.
I need you with all my being,
You be my Juliet and I’ll be your Romeo.
My dear beloved,
Darling, I don’t have to sleep
To dream about you.
I dream about you all the times,
And I hope you will be a sweet mistress of my passions,
The queen of my soul, my eternal love.
My dear beloved,
My love for you is simmering in my heart joyfully,
Allow me to make you te end of my rainbow.

A letter to My Dear Beloved
Part III
My dear beloved,
Morning my sweet angel.
Wish you a happy day and I want you to know,
That I need to love you,
To possess your heart,
And make you special in my life.
My dear beloved,
Your message last night,
Was the sweetest romantic love text suc as,
I have never read for such a long time.
It went straight into my heart,
And touched my warmest feelings.
I fell in love with you anew and,
I guess I slept with a smile on my lips.
My dear beloved,
Tomorrow means so much to me,
For it will mark a new beginning in my life;
The birth of another dream,
A dream to have someone to love, cherish and adore.
My dear beloved,
Thank you darling,
You have brought a smile back to my heart.
I have woken up with delicious thoughts about you,
Filling my mind.
I imagine it would be heavenly
To have you by my side,
To feel your heart beating against mine,
When you are tightly enfolded in my arms,
To feel and taste your sweet, warm breath.
Good morning my love.
My dear beloved,
I need to see you, be close to you,
And hear your sweet and soft voice…
Needing to hold you is becoming almost a physical ache.

A Letter to My Beloved
Part IV
My dear beloved,
Why should my messages to you annoy you?
I love you a great deal,
I love everything about you,
The way you walk, your voice, your smile…
Your beauty is tormenting my soul.
My dear beloved,
Worry not my princess,
Your wishes will always be my command,
My sweet love, I have spoken to God,
Told Him that soon I am expecting a special angel.
My dear beloved,
Why have you stopped me from calling you?
Anyway, glad you have not banned me from texting you,
So I suppose am still free to say goodmorning sweetheart?
Have a lovely day but how I miss that soft and tender voice!
And how you feel so sweet in my heart…
My dear beloved,
It is fine darling.
I suppose you have your reasons
For not wanting to talk to me, which you don’t want to say.
I won’t ask why again, but I’ll respect that wish.
I will not call, as you request,
Though God knows, I’ll miss you.
And finally my dear beloved,
Whatever has annoyed you,
When you get over it just call me.
You will find me waiting, sweet angel,
However long it takes.
Meantime, I am afraid to touch my phone, dial your number,
Painful as it is.
Just remember, I truly loved you, and needed you in my life.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Delicate Fingers of Loveliness

In my valley of love,
You are a fresh stream,
That washes the stains of loneliness from my heart.
In my desert of love,
You are a cool oasis,
Whose clear waters quenches the thirst of my desires.
In my ocean of love,
You are the gentle ripples,
That calms the waves of my passions.
In my field of love,
You are the most colourful butterfly,
Whose wings caress my inner most feelings.
In my garden of love,
You are the brightest flower,
Whose splendour charms my soul.
In my song of love,
You are the softest melody,
Whose soothing sounds’
Opens up heaven in my heart.
Your love shines forth from my soul,
Like the splendour of the morning star,
Whose brilliant rays streaks delicate loveliness
across the sky, and,
In my chamber of love,
Your angelic presence has ignited hot flames of passion,
For you that nothing under the sun will ever extinguish.
And so, like the morning star shines brightly,
Across the expanse of a clear dawn sky,
So does your love shine within my soul

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Drips of Sweet Love

My soul is like a patch of dry ground,
Waiting to be softened,
By showers of your tender love;
For within my heart,
There is a closed door waiting for love’s
Gentle knock.
Perchance your love will be,
As deep as the depths of all oceans:
But as certain as the day dawns,
Mine will be as limitless as eternity.
Your sweet smile,
Melts my heart with warm pleasure;
And with every word you utter,
Drips of sweet love trickle into my being.
My soul craves for the moment,
When your love will finally blossom in my heart,
And set my affections on a fancy flight of tenderness,

Even as my passions smoulder like hot coals.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Flowery Showers that Linger Forever

Your challenge soothes,
Like a balmy cream that erases pain;
Like the shower of shooting stars
Across the expanse of the night sky,
Your presence fills my heart with solace;
You burst out in flowery showers in my soul,
And your presence now fills my heart with heavenly bliss-
Your affection promises a world, 
Wherein I live in the realms of dreams
Whose radiant beams of love,
Shines through my heart, and lights up,
A sweetly infectious smile whose taste linger, 
Long after your eyes have drooped; 
The lashes flickering invitingly, misty sweet-
Whenever I drown into their watery depths.
Where are you, maiden of my dreams?
Where are you, substance of my fantasies?
When shall you descend below and bare your love
Like open fields beneath blue skies clothed in delicate flowers? 
It is sweet and painful,
Every time the darts of your love begin pricking my heart

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tom Mboya Joshua, EzineArticles Basic Author

Thursday, July 19, 2012

It Is All About Being Trendy and Stylish: Look Cool and Appealing in A Casual Way

Red is a fiery and sexualized colour that you can strut in and prance about in confidence that turns heads. Red means vivacity and energy. There are several variations of Shiny leggings that are just as heart-stopping and spectacular like black. Try it out while attending raves, car events, sports or dance parties and witness how red on skin-hugging leggings can be both energizing and attractive not to say unbelievable! Red and black are both alluring and attractive when topped in a rock chic look, glittering jewelry and hot funky T-shirts in bright colors. But nothing kills in a subdued casual yet sexy appeal as much as having long tops or flouncing flowing tunics fluttering over these skin-tights. Other varieties that can make you look cool and casual in an appealing way include fitted jackets, structured T-shirts and plain tunics.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Wet Look Leggings: All about Being Trendy and Stylish in Public Events

How about pulling a surprise every once in a while with wet look leggings? Definitely you are going to feel a sense of thrill and satisfaction if humble folks gape at you in admiration and wish they too did like you’ve done – hitting public activities like proms, charities, sporting action and car events in a mysterious and exotic high fashion wear? Nothing to earn you curses of damnation here, but an almost mystical variation of your usual leggings in styles of leather and other shiny materials. Trust me; you will look marvelous in this standout attire in a promotional event where everything is fancy and make-believe. When you ooze confidence and assurance in starkly skin-tight but modest-looking and eye-catching shiny leggings, stares of disapproval soon turn to admiration. They won’t tell you to your face, but inwardly they will be livid with envy. How else does a lady get to flaunt her sexuality in a jaw-dropping manner and still retain her self-respect if not by being audacious and outlandish just for the heck of it! It is a great way to accentuate your beauty with a metallic look.

Friday, July 13, 2012

It is All about Being Trendy: Enhance Your Beauty with Form-Flattering Wear.

It is all about being trendy: So your last attempt failed and left you with a frumpy, sagging-sack look. Why so? And is there anything you can possibly do about it? Most women/ladies make a mess and mincemeat of their trendy dressing attempts. Before you reach out for that fancy attire that is rocking the streets, take a long careful look at yourself in a full length mirror and honestly tell yourself that what is so hot out there simply won’t do for you. Why, you need to wonder, is it because you are pearshaped, hourglass shaped, apple shaped or full burst? Anything you put on needs to complement and flatter your figure no matter what shape you are. Fashion designers know just how to craft trendy dresses in all styles to suit you. Anyway we’ll talk about this next. Let us finish that leggings online affair. You need to learn how to complement your leggings with other forms of attire by using what suits you. Longer shirts that reach down to your mid-thigh can do the trick well. They have a gorgeous lengthening and slimming effect that will exaggerate your height. You can use a blousy fit in tunic to hide flabby hips. But if your figure is a natural, bubble or short baby-doll dresses will give you the sassy, sexy look. How about a trendy tank top, a T-shirt or loose fitting shorts with any ordinary top? A cardigan trailing down to your thigh or hips will add a touch of poise and glamour. Next you can use appropriate earrings/necklace, cinching belts or a scarf to add a hip-hop look. For footwear, anything goes, but high boots are the catch. Just something else next before we move on to dresses – Jeggings.

All about Being Trendy with Leggings

Do you need that sexy and glamorous appeal that will set his heart rolling in waves of great admiration for you? Well, the world of high fashion and celebrity looks is now rocking with leggings. Perhaps you’ve been in a fashion coma and you are hardly aware that this type of form-fitting dressing so much adored and adorned by film stars and pop musicians – and let’s admit it here that imitating the sassy, classy and mighty comes so naturally to many of us just like the air we breath – anyway, where was I?. Oh yes, it is all about being trendy or making your own fashion statement by transforming your ordinary looks to something daring, audacious, provocative and chic. Did you know you can do this without dropping an ounce of pride and dignity? Let’s find out tomorrow how you can get the superstar look with leggings online.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


SHARDS OF BROKEN GLASS As real as reflections on polished glass, Your fragile beauty; vividly dwells in my mind, Your ethereal presence; comforting for every hour I pass, Each minute lost in thought; hoping love in you to find. For in sweet surrender; I drift along in a heady trance, My soul in turmoil; gladly counting each passing day, My feelings all on fire; yearning to get a chance, For just a moment; all my heart’s desire to say. But forsaken and lonely; like a lost spiritual pilgrim of old, My flames of passion flare, and my heart burns with a crave, My arms aching; just your supple body to hold, So that my dead soul; can rise from this emotional grave. Like the ocean; my heart opens wide, Reaching out in grace; your tender love to embrace, But my pure devotion; sail against time and tide, And now I feel; as melancholic as a penitent in disgrace. Daily I search my heart; but find no hate, For in reposeful sweetness; within me you stay, Like an angel of hope; sent by heavenly fate, Peace of mind to give; when meekly I pray. Now my dream is shattered, By a painful memory; of a moment’s passionate token, That like a raging storm; has left my feelings scattered, Like shards of glass broken.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Paradise in Hell: Affirming My Resolve

It took me three years to build my internal defense mechanism, to emotionally and psychologically prepare myself for the eventual explosion and rapture of my marriage, which by then I was persuaded was beyond salvage. The certainty of the upcoming doom was as crystal clear as bright sunrise in my mind. All the while my ex was so challengingly oblivious of the decision I had made. She thought she had me where she wanted me, not knowing that all along I was giving her time to see how she was hurting me in other respects, and steeling myself against the pain that would follow should I carry out my resolve. Our marriage was practically dead apart from the sex. Women should know that holding a marriage together takes more that sex; and the worst thing a woman can ever do is to try to trample on and erode a man’s sense of self-worth and self-esteem. A man’s pride is intrinsically part of him, radar that he relies on to navigate the treacherous terrain of male dominance. Everyman spends time searching for and asserting his manhood in many subtle ways that sometimes is not apparent to men themselves. When it is time to defend and protect this side of their nature, they often go on autopilot. Tragically for most marriages, this is the only territory that many women do everything to violate to the detriment of their happiness. I find it ironic that women largely and exclusively blame men for all their marital woes, forgetting to examine how their attitude and general deportment contributes to this painful way of sharing our lives. I would sometimes bemusedly look at her with pity as she’d strut all over the house, throwing verbal missiles, challenging me to make good my promise to send her back to her parents. “ We are rich, our family is capable…I’ll be taken care of…we have trucks at home, and I can go for one even right now…” At such heated moments I would sometimes choose not to verbally respond, but inwardly, I would tell myself, “ baby, it is me who will hire a truck, and I’ll let have it all…I’ll not fight over who between us contributed how much to buy what…you’ll either take everything away with you or live it all here…”

Monday, April 9, 2012

Paradise in Hell: The Day We Separated

If asked to say what has greatly contributed to my romanticism, not in the narrow sense attached to matters of sex and love, but in the broader sense of loving the beauty of nature; I surely would not know what answer to give. I am not certain it is country music that inclines me towards a deep love affair with nature, or it is nature that makes me love country music so passionately. Well, I believe the answer to this is neither here nor there, but as I am writing this episode, two songs, one by Dolly Porton and the other by Don Williams keep on playing interchangeably in my mind. Silver and Gold Well, I met an old man, walking down the street, His clothes were torn and tattered, with sandals on his feet, And I stopped to help him, And then he on the other hand said “I Love you so much, but you must understand that silver and gold might buy you a home, but things of this world, they won’t last you long, and time has a way of turning out sore, but time cannot be bought back with silver and gold” And he said to me let’s rest for a while, Coz I have some good news to share with you child He said, you can’t change this whole world, But people need to know…that a dear say might drag you a long long time ago…. ‘And silver and gold might buy you a home, but things of this world, they won’t last you long, and time as a way of turning out sore, but time cannot be bought back with silver and gold” “His eyes shone like diamonds, And his smile was heaven itself, His hands was long and glowing, And his back was slightly bent, And I knew he knew it, coz that day I changed, And until I walked off, I forgot to ask him his name, He said silver and gold can buy you a home, When this life has ended and your time is on, But you can live in a world where, you don’t grow old, And things can be bought there with silver and gold, And time can be bought back with silver and gold. Now as the words of this song continually plays in my head, I am transported down the memory trail to one gloomy Saturday afternoon, 6 years ago when I asked my ex wife, “ Desb’s, are you sure you wanna go through with it?’ Although she said, “yes..,” I can still see the haunting look of horror mingled with pain and plea in her eyes….” Even now, I cannot help it…am crying like hell…I had just brought a truck home and asked her to, “kindly pack up everything as slowly and as meticulously as you can, and go. If you are packing make sure you leave absolutely nothing behind except me” She did precisely that, and my first, and probably the only marriage I’ll ever have came to a tortuous grinding end. I said two songs. Silver and gold is by Dolly Porton. The other song: “She never knew me” echoes my current love. Read about the episodes in my next two postings.