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Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Eternal Drifter

I am home at last, says the eternal drifter.
I can now think freely without thinking,
About what someone else is thinking,
About my thinking.
But no one is thinking any more!

I am in love again, the eternal drifter’s heart says,
And I can now love madly,
Without loving what everyone else loves about love.
But who is there to love?

I can see with my conscience at long last, the eternal drifter thinks.
And finally I can now reason calmly,
Without reasoning about how others,
Reason about my reasoning.
But now they say I reason too much!

I am resolute in my decision, affirms the eternal drifter.
And I have no more doubts
About others doubting my sanity.
I am now aware that I am insane,
But no one doubts me any more!

But I have no more regrets,
Nor feel any remorse.
I do not wish to make any amends for the past,
I wish to live my life only for the future,
In the best possible way that I can relate to other human beings.