When your foot-falls,
Echo chimes of affections,
By gently treading on my soul,
And softly knocking the door of my heart,
Waves of tenderness burst forth in me,
Like beautiful April flowers,
Blossoming in a thousand soft colors.
For years,
This question my life has been,
``When shall I truly love?''
And now,
Like the sun's golden rays,
Dispels darkness from the earth,
Your sweet, tender eyes,
Seem to tell me,
That some day when I truly love,
Your presence will write a song,
Of eternal love in my life.
You come to me bearing a melody,
And like an Angel of mercy,
Your love beckons me to ,
A peaceful shore across ,
A turbulent ocean,
Where waves sing songs of passion,
Songs of joy and songs of laughter,
Songs of tenderness and songs of internal peace,
Songs of honesty and songs of trust,
Songs of veneration and songs of adoration,
Songs that will bind our lives,
In a chorus of unending happiness,
When some day I truly love.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011
In the fading light of day,
When dark hues of evening Stealthily wrap cold arms,
Of darkness around the Smiling visage of the city:
Desperate and Haunted I feel.
Homeless I am;
And like a lost wanderer In a wilderness,
I stand alone -
An anonymous presence,
Subdued and Sad.
I am a mere shadow,
Drifting aimlessly -
Flitting about -
Of the gathering gloom
Whose warning whispers
Sing a litany of pain to me;
You are alone,
You have no home,
You are starving.
I stand at a corner,
Beneath the blazing sign of
Lost in thought,
Watching countless other shadows
Milling about like agitated ants:
Hoping to catch a familiar face.
But all I see are faceless people-
Homeward bound.
Burning with the desire to belong,
I feel as though
All burdens, cares and follies,
Of this world
Are heaped on my fragile shoulders
By a brutal and merciless god.
Tis then that sadly,
I look around me, contemplating;
My senses awakening to the vicious voices
Of the town going to sleep.
All the others have a purpose;
A destination -
Wherein there are loved ones,
And warm meals,
And hearty laughter,
And comforting arms.
But I have none.
In tearful dejection
I heave a heavy sigh of resignation
I slump next to a beggar and
We exchange furtive, glances,
Then the beggar lights up,
Smiles and says in sanguine tones
I cannot hold back the tears which reminds me
When dark hues of evening Stealthily wrap cold arms,
Of darkness around the Smiling visage of the city:
Desperate and Haunted I feel.
Homeless I am;
And like a lost wanderer In a wilderness,
I stand alone -
An anonymous presence,
Subdued and Sad.
I am a mere shadow,
Drifting aimlessly -
Flitting about -
Of the gathering gloom
Whose warning whispers
Sing a litany of pain to me;
You are alone,
You have no home,
You are starving.
I stand at a corner,
Beneath the blazing sign of
Lost in thought,
Watching countless other shadows
Milling about like agitated ants:
Hoping to catch a familiar face.
But all I see are faceless people-
Homeward bound.
Burning with the desire to belong,
I feel as though
All burdens, cares and follies,
Of this world
Are heaped on my fragile shoulders
By a brutal and merciless god.
Tis then that sadly,
I look around me, contemplating;
My senses awakening to the vicious voices
Of the town going to sleep.
All the others have a purpose;
A destination -
Wherein there are loved ones,
And warm meals,
And hearty laughter,
And comforting arms.
But I have none.
In tearful dejection
I heave a heavy sigh of resignation
I slump next to a beggar and
We exchange furtive, glances,
Then the beggar lights up,
Smiles and says in sanguine tones
I cannot hold back the tears which reminds me
Monday, August 29, 2011
Since time judges man not by value,
But by honesty imbued with virtue;
With determination
Times greatest award
Becomes a footnote of
Fortune’s humble reward
In time,
A tender bud blossoms,
And in crystallized splendor
Turns to full bloom;
So do not smolder in gloom,
Nor yet drown in wine goblets –
For endurance is a measure
Of the simplest unknown treasure.
Since time judges man not by value,
But by honesty imbued with virtue;
With determination
Times greatest award
Becomes a footnote of
Fortune’s humble reward
In time,
A tender bud blossoms,
And in crystallized splendor
Turns to full bloom;
So do not smolder in gloom,
Nor yet drown in wine goblets –
For endurance is a measure
Of the simplest unknown treasure.
When a stranger calls,
Welcome not the shadow
For as leaves from a tree falls;
The strangers shadow also follow.
But why did you come?
For when you chanced by,
Feelings that confound and overpower;
Feelings that entrap and imprison,
Promised sweet solace every hour…
And defying all reasons
I got intoxicated in a lunacy of affections.
Thus, gently shadow,
When you passed by
Warm ripples of pleasure
Cascaded down my spine in delicate tingles;
And in compelling waves without measure
My heart throbbed in pulsations of blissful jingles
Driven by a primeval surge of fierce desires.
When you were here,
I looked with my heart
For my eyes saw the shadow not,
But the soft fullness of a woman’s breasts
As enticing as ripe peaches-
When you spoke
I listened with my eyes
For my ears heard not your voice,
But saw the quiet demeanor of a dove
Lost in the joys of melodic cooing-
And now that you are gone,
In moments of solitary confessions
All I know are dreams…
Of wild intimacy of hot kisses;
Of lips softening like ice-cream melting in the mouth;
Of nipples begging for the slavery of my lips;
That brings the crescendo of erotic bliss;
Hot, potent dreams,
That sears longing in my heart
And an aching desire to be eternally possessed,
By love’s breathless and all-consuming spell.
When you were here,
I looked with my heart
For my eyes saw the shadow not,
But the soft fullness of a woman’s breasts
As enticing as ripe peaches-
When you spoke
I listened with my eyes
For my ears heard not your voice,
But saw the quiet demeanor of a dove
Lost in the joys of melodic cooing-
And now that you are gone,
In moments of solitary confessions
All I know are dreams…
Of wild intimacy of hot kisses;
Of lips softening like ice-cream melting in the mouth;
Of nipples begging for the slavery of my lips;
That brings the crescendo of erotic bliss;
Hot, potent dreams,
That sears longing in my heart
And an aching desire to be eternally possessed,
By love’s breathless and all-consuming spell.
The sight of your face,
The intensity of your love
Sets my passions on a race;
And like the brilliance of a starry night above
Your presence, lovely and comely,
Forms a halo of radiance around my heart –
Tattered and lonely
And so, tenderness illuminates my inner parts.
Time ceases, then,
A visual celebration of your image
Builds butter-soft emotions
Whose loving touch, feathery and caressing,
Invades all my senses with every stolen glance.
Time is reborn, when,
The essence of your fragile femininity
Like the roar of distant thunder,
Sets my heart-beat
On drumrolls of adoration.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Those lovely pools of light,
Ringed with tiny winged butterflies;
As brilliant as dew-drop mirrors,
Warms my heart with each caressing stare.
When with loveliness your eyelids flutter,
With adoration my faintly heart stutters;
Spilling away torrents of pulsing sensations,
Fuelling flames of passion –
Making me afraid
To tread on the sacred palace of your heart,
To roam around the inner chambers,
Hallowed by concealed secrets and desires,
Lest vast emptiness I should find.
For when with cadence your voice trembles,
With trepidation my resolve dissembles,
Your tones and sounds-
Soothing oils of clove,
Scented wisps of incense;
And forever
A shimmering eloquence of love
Engraved across my heart
Like cosmic rays
Spread across the sky.
Those lovely pools of light,
Ringed with tiny winged butterflies;
As brilliant as dew-drop mirrors,
Warms my heart with each caressing stare.
When with loveliness your eyelids flutter,
With adoration my faintly heart stutters;
Spilling away torrents of pulsing sensations,
Fuelling flames of passion –
Making me afraid
To tread on the sacred palace of your heart,
To roam around the inner chambers,
Hallowed by concealed secrets and desires,
Lest vast emptiness I should find.
For when with cadence your voice trembles,
With trepidation my resolve dissembles,
Your tones and sounds-
Soothing oils of clove,
Scented wisps of incense;
And forever
A shimmering eloquence of love
Engraved across my heart
Like cosmic rays
Spread across the sky.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Enfolded in a protective embrace,
Of feelings soft and cloudy;
Of sweet sensations
Pleasurably churning in my stomach;
Your love has unfurled depths
Of wildly, passionate flowery places
Mushrooming where oblivion
Hollowed out by empty spaces,
Has within me long lived.
Like a barren wasteland,
Where no delicious fountains ever flow,
But bitter streams abound –
Loneliness is a poisoned chalice
From which lonesome souls;
In vain such for succor,
But end up drinking malice
Proffered in the hands of dejection
By a maidens cold-hearted rejection.
But you, my beloved,
Have come bearing a sweetened cup.
Your cup of love
Is overflowing and dripping,
With honey flavored emotions
Promising rich intimacy.
You, my beloved,
Though still in parts a far
Have become copious portions
Of my hearts desires and devotions,
To your lush and alluring sensuality.
Enfolded in a protective embrace,
Of feelings soft and cloudy;
Of sweet sensations
Pleasurably churning in my stomach;
Your love has unfurled depths
Of wildly, passionate flowery places
Mushrooming where oblivion
Hollowed out by empty spaces,
Has within me long lived.
Like a barren wasteland,
Where no delicious fountains ever flow,
But bitter streams abound –
Loneliness is a poisoned chalice
From which lonesome souls;
In vain such for succor,
But end up drinking malice
Proffered in the hands of dejection
By a maidens cold-hearted rejection.
But you, my beloved,
Have come bearing a sweetened cup.
Your cup of love
Is overflowing and dripping,
With honey flavored emotions
Promising rich intimacy.
You, my beloved,
Though still in parts a far
Have become copious portions
Of my hearts desires and devotions,
To your lush and alluring sensuality.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Deep in my heart,
As natural as the stars glitter,
Sophisticated beauty sits.
Your captivating sensuous elegance
A bold expression of artistic perfection.
Undaunted by space and distance
Currents of your vibrant sensuality,
And sonorous echoes of your lilting voice
Gently strums my heart-strings joyfully
Each time your voice tenderly calls.
Deep in my heart,
With every heart-beat
My inner self palpitates expectantly
In heroic veneration;
Awaiting to pay homage,
To your stunning and charming appeal.
In rhythmic and melodious tunes,
My heart suffuses with thrilling ecstasy
To your sounds and sighs
Each time your voice tenderly calls.
Deep in my heart,
Like the substance of dreams,
Ephemeral yet enduring;
So does your ethereal presence
Flash fires of brilliant loveliness;
Which in tender flames of attraction
Reaches out and delicately touches
Every part of my being
Each time your voice tenderly calls.
Deep in my heart,
You’ve become a song;
An eternal song,
To which my dreams daily dances.
A glorious song,
That no pain nor sorrows can erase
A soft, soothing song,
That forever will make my soul yield
Each time your voice tenderly calls.
Deep in my heart,
You’ve become a tune;
A tune of overpowering pleasure
Whispering in harmony with my spirit.
And as sweetly as saintly voices from heaven
Your laughter is a chorus of Angelic purity
That in rapturous cadence and trills,
Calms my senses into submission
Each time your voice tenderly calls.
Deep in my heart,
As natural as the stars glitter,
Sophisticated beauty sits.
Your captivating sensuous elegance
A bold expression of artistic perfection.
Undaunted by space and distance
Currents of your vibrant sensuality,
And sonorous echoes of your lilting voice
Gently strums my heart-strings joyfully
Each time your voice tenderly calls.
Deep in my heart,
With every heart-beat
My inner self palpitates expectantly
In heroic veneration;
Awaiting to pay homage,
To your stunning and charming appeal.
In rhythmic and melodious tunes,
My heart suffuses with thrilling ecstasy
To your sounds and sighs
Each time your voice tenderly calls.
Deep in my heart,
Like the substance of dreams,
Ephemeral yet enduring;
So does your ethereal presence
Flash fires of brilliant loveliness;
Which in tender flames of attraction
Reaches out and delicately touches
Every part of my being
Each time your voice tenderly calls.
Deep in my heart,
You’ve become a song;
An eternal song,
To which my dreams daily dances.
A glorious song,
That no pain nor sorrows can erase
A soft, soothing song,
That forever will make my soul yield
Each time your voice tenderly calls.
Deep in my heart,
You’ve become a tune;
A tune of overpowering pleasure
Whispering in harmony with my spirit.
And as sweetly as saintly voices from heaven
Your laughter is a chorus of Angelic purity
That in rapturous cadence and trills,
Calms my senses into submission
Each time your voice tenderly calls.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Until I met the current love of my heart, the other woman who I madly fell in love with was Banice (name changed) my wife had been pushing me to marry another woman (something to do with traditional beliefs). I had been telling her there is someone, but when she saw Banice she refused to accept her as a co-wife. That lady was very beautiful. More than 5 years after I lost contact with Banice, her shadow still haunted my ex. That was when I learned about her intention to go back to her ex husband. That marked the end of our marriage.
To the inner most sanctums of paradise,
Like puritans to a shrine,
They troop,
Disciples of debauchery honey tongued,
To entice her innocence out of the coop.
A bird she looks,
Of rare and silky plumes;
Tender to the touch,
Soft to the feel;
But caged in hues and perfumes,
Around which they flitter,
Moths to her lights and delights drawn.
Beyond the fleshy petals
Wherein drips sweetest nectar,
Ebbs and throbs
Dead echoes of her purity.
Innocence stolen,
Innocence snatched
From its pristine cradle
By filthy fingers of dark and dirty passion.
Embraced by the divine cloak of beauty,
Saintly and sacred she looks –
An angel of damnation descended
To smoother fires of their desires,
With the coolness of her breathy whispers,
The radiance of her smile,
The gently, glorious softness of her eyes.
Oh, innocence stolen,
Innocence snatched…
And the drumbeats of my heart
Sound in anguish
With every drunken spittle,
That smears and besmirches
The delicious and delicate tenderness,
Of a face so perfectly carved
And a heart that cries for the pulpit.
To the inner most sanctums of paradise,
Like puritans to a shrine,
They troop,
Disciples of debauchery honey tongued,
To entice her innocence out of the coop.
A bird she looks,
Of rare and silky plumes;
Tender to the touch,
Soft to the feel;
But caged in hues and perfumes,
Around which they flitter,
Moths to her lights and delights drawn.
Beyond the fleshy petals
Wherein drips sweetest nectar,
Ebbs and throbs
Dead echoes of her purity.
Innocence stolen,
Innocence snatched
From its pristine cradle
By filthy fingers of dark and dirty passion.
Embraced by the divine cloak of beauty,
Saintly and sacred she looks –
An angel of damnation descended
To smoother fires of their desires,
With the coolness of her breathy whispers,
The radiance of her smile,
The gently, glorious softness of her eyes.
Oh, innocence stolen,
Innocence snatched…
And the drumbeats of my heart
Sound in anguish
With every drunken spittle,
That smears and besmirches
The delicious and delicate tenderness,
Of a face so perfectly carved
And a heart that cries for the pulpit.
Heaven in our hearts,
Together we begin the long journey;
Tenderness with every step
Tinder sticks for miles uncovered.
The sun rejoices,
The moon cheerily applauds,
And the stars cheerfully gaze;
Beguiled by our carefree spirit,
Our tomorrow, a vast vista of delightfulness,
Our thoughts and soul –
Wrapped in divine graciousness;
Our cries and sighs –
Celestial melodies of the Seraphim.
But lo!
Where is the Kingdom of enchantment?
The domain of merriment?
The throne of solace for which I crowned you queen?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
You are my cheery blossom.
The very sight of your heavenly crystallized eyes,
The touch of your silken skin;
Warm and tender,
Like the soft wool of a mountain lamb;
Sends my soul
On a hearty trip to paradise.
You, my cheery blossom,
Are the very angel of my silver dreams,
The brightest flower in my garden of love.
You, my cheery blossom,
Are the very sunshine of my new joy and laughter;
The golden moonshine of my darkest hour.
Like sweet cheery blossoms,
You have become the guiding star
Of my heart's power and desires,
The gentle maiden
Of my youthful passions.
By your saintly perfections
And affections
You have recreated heaven in my soul,
And redeemed by life from hell.
Your elegance and charm,
Overcrowds my senses with sweet sensations,
And pleasure beyond measure.
Your kisses -
A warm pool of deliciousness,
Your lips-
As sweet as honeyed flowers,
Your breath -
As refreshing as mountain air,
And your loving embraces
Flood my being with gentle waves
Of submission and desire,
And to you
I give all myself
Your are my soft cheery blossom.
In the darkness of my heart,
Shimmers a glimmer of hope
That streaks brilliantly unbidden,
Like fingers of cosmic rays
Across a starry sky.
In the darkness of my heart;
A distant delicious voice whispers,
A soft sweet melody
That rekindles memories
Long lost and forgotten,
In the darkness of my heart,
Lingers many memories...
Memories tender and tempting;
Memories warm and comforting;
Memories soothing and spellbinding;
Memories lonesome and heartbreaking;
Memories bare and unbearable;
Memories I cannot tame,
For they set my heart aflame,
In the darkness of my heart,
Creeps in an angel
Who in wonder stares
At the emptiness therein;
Then with a healing smile spares
Just a second for fleeting solace,
That fills my heart with joys untold,
Which to me seems
Longer than eternity can unfold.
Into the darkness of my life,
Flies in an angelic being
Ablaze with the glory of paradise coming,
While clothed in rare and delicate beauty.
But am certain
She will not be my angel,
For something tells me -
Must my heart forever in turmoil grow?
Yearning for kindred spirit,
With this rare, unearthly creature!
Lord, my mind knows
This never to be;
For in the darkness of my life
There sits the saint of loneliness,
And therein,
I will forever dwell;
Watching love passing by,
For I fear to discover
This too might be,
The voice of another angel
Come to print a song of sorrow,
I lost something so precious,
Not as valuable as gold:
Because gold can be sold,
Not as sparkling as silver;
For silver's luster can rust.
Not as rare as diamonds,
For even diamonds loose demand -
But something that can never be bought.
We knew not but fought,
And the feelings away started fading,
Like the last glimmer of sunset;
We cared not but watched,
As the cold fingers of separation gripped,
Tearing away the shimmering fibers
Of love's bonding power;
We dared not but say,
That something was painfully tearing away.
So we stayed and paid
For love with hatred,
For tenderness with coarseness;
For devotion with poison;
Like water poured on a fireplace,
Warmth in our heart quelled
And hot passion was repelled,
By a mortal chill of space and distance
That sexual sensations couldn't bridge,
That no amount nor floods
Of tears could wash away,
And so in my soul,
Eternally the pain will stay
Till another comes my way.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I know you must be wondering why I am in a dream cage? It is because I am a writer and poet whose works have never seen the light of day. For starters, you can sample this poem. Dream cage one, will be the story behing this poem
Voices abrasive, voices soft;
Voices loud, voices coloured:
Some as colourful as flowers,
Some as comforting as showers,
Others as coarse as
Ground stoney and sandy-
But one as sweet as drops of honey
Lifts up my soul,
Like a thousand fireflies
Dancing to the tunes of warm dark nights
Beneath starry light skies.
A voice blue and sunny,
In a multicoloured tapestry
Of meanings funny;
Each coloured strand,
Irridescent with a new
Emotional brand,
Arching a rainbow of passions
Over the tomb of my dead heart.
But that voice has many hues,
And still wonders I;
Are violets truly blue
Like the dome of a bright sky?
Is the voice a sonorous song
Whispering chimes of mystic beauty?
Please dear, tell but gently- what is the colour of your voice?
I know you must be wondering why I am in a dream cage? It is because I am a writer and poet whose works have never seen the light of day. For starters, you can sample this poem. Dream cage one, will be the story behing this poem
Voices abrasive, voices soft;
Voices loud, voices coloured:
Some as colourful as flowers,
Some as comforting as showers,
Others as coarse as
Ground stoney and sandy-
But one as sweet as drops of honey
Lifts up my soul,
Like a thousand fireflies
Dancing to the tunes of warm dark nights
Beneath starry light skies.
A voice blue and sunny,
In a multicoloured tapestry
Of meanings funny;
Each coloured strand,
Irridescent with a new
Emotional brand,
Arching a rainbow of passions
Over the tomb of my dead heart.
But that voice has many hues,
And still wonders I;
Are violets truly blue
Like the dome of a bright sky?
Is the voice a sonorous song
Whispering chimes of mystic beauty?
Please dear, tell but gently- what is the colour of your voice?
A blossom in full bloom?
In a desert of desire and desolation?
How I smolder in gloom,
In isolation
Envying her resplendent glamour,
So far from me flung away
Like shiny jewels of heaven;
That by day conceal their splendor,
But by night sparkle unbroken.
How she caresses my senses
Like faint fragrance of exotic flowers,
That I can only feel
But can never touch.
And how she sets my passions ablaze
With fires of yearning,
That consumes my being much as
A thirsty traveler
Who longs for delicious mountain springs,
But cannot quench his thirst.
Oh Lord!
How beautiful?
Her hair...
Smoother than the softest fur,
Her eyes?
Make the stars shy.
And that smile -
As sparkling as the rising sun,
Pours forth into my soul
Abundant joy.
What a voice?
A voice sweeter than sublime melodies.
And her breath?
Cooler than morning mountain air.
Her kisses?
A door to boundless bliss,
Tastier than warm mountain honey
And herself?
Utter perfection.
But Lord!
Were you excited so,
When you set about
Molding this incarnation of pure magnificence?
Were you out to torment my soul?
Could it be,
That like the shores of an alien ocean,
And the twinkle of distant stars;
So far am I from her true tender feelings?
And Lord!
If in creating love,
Your only purpose was to spite me;
Then Lord I have defeated your purpose.
For I love her so –
Even though only in imagination.
Isn't it great Lord?
Love in imagination – AMEN.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Luscious love in a tender blossom,
A blossom that in ripeness,
Has the fragile appeal of youthfulness.
For whenever I look into your eyes,
My heart fires with a warm glow of pleasure.
Your eyes, soft and inviting
Touches every part of my being,
With gentle fingers of sensual delights.
Like a breath of scented fresh air;
The curve of your luscious lips,
Hold lavish promises of glorious love.
I cannot help, but gaze in adoration,
At such sublime beauty,
And in yearning wonderment,
I dissolve into a mood of ecstasy.
Though for eons, this mood
Has been a stranger in my heart.
I cannot help, but be enthralled,
By the magical allure of your smile,
A smile that is as soothing as
The sight of a soft textured flower,
Ripe to be plucked
By love's magnetic power.
For alone in the depths of loneliness,
Only the shadow of your elegance,
Like the classical appeal of a princess;
Is the constant companion
Which keeps my heart tingling giddily,
And my soul, in a rapturous spell,
Sings glory to thee!
Luscious love in a tender blossom,
A blossom that in ripeness,
Has the fragile appeal of youthfulness.
For whenever I look into your eyes,
My heart fires with a warm glow of pleasure.
Your eyes, soft and inviting
Touches every part of my being,
With gentle fingers of sensual delights.
Like a breath of scented fresh air;
The curve of your luscious lips,
Hold lavish promises of glorious love.
I cannot help, but gaze in adoration,
At such sublime beauty,
And in yearning wonderment,
I dissolve into a mood of ecstasy.
Though for eons, this mood
Has been a stranger in my heart.
I cannot help, but be enthralled,
By the magical allure of your smile,
A smile that is as soothing as
The sight of a soft textured flower,
Ripe to be plucked
By love's magnetic power.
For alone in the depths of loneliness,
Only the shadow of your elegance,
Like the classical appeal of a princess;
Is the constant companion
Which keeps my heart tingling giddily,
And my soul, in a rapturous spell,
Sings glory to thee!
Monday, August 15, 2011
This poem, like many that will follow is inspired by Louis JaberNyiri Aballa, the lady who has completely swept my heart away.
A heart tossed away in darkness,
Misplaced and forgotten:
Then in vivid starkness
A scintillating love begotten
Light pierces my hearts gloom
And dispels the doom
In which my life was imprisoned.
`Tis yet another tender noise,
Whispering echoes of feelings lost,
In a honeyed dreamlike voice,
Which make warm and silky sensations flare,
Slowly thawing my hearts frost
And twain in harmonious pair,
My dream angel releases the snare;
And my life finds freedom awaiting again.
Her beauty fills up my soul with joy
Like the scent of sweet smelling flowers
Whose fragrances intoxicates me as a boy,
Dazed by a spell of loves consuming power.
I delight in her
Soothing presence from a far,
In whose shadow my life has found meaning.
Perchance, this pearl of rare beauty is not aware,
That she is the light of my hope,
That the spirit of her elegance makes me swear
Again not to drop
To the bottomless depths of despair.
In my dream angels voice
A serene not of compassion
Awakens and recreates a new person.
Your sighs and assurances, dream angel,
Have become an eternal receptacle,
Wherein my dreams blossom forth,
Like the dazzling splendor
Of the birth of a new and glorious joy.
A heart tossed away in darkness,
Misplaced and forgotten:
Then in vivid starkness
A scintillating love begotten
Light pierces my hearts gloom
And dispels the doom
In which my life was imprisoned.
`Tis yet another tender noise,
Whispering echoes of feelings lost,
In a honeyed dreamlike voice,
Which make warm and silky sensations flare,
Slowly thawing my hearts frost
And twain in harmonious pair,
My dream angel releases the snare;
And my life finds freedom awaiting again.
Her beauty fills up my soul with joy
Like the scent of sweet smelling flowers
Whose fragrances intoxicates me as a boy,
Dazed by a spell of loves consuming power.
I delight in her
Soothing presence from a far,
In whose shadow my life has found meaning.
Perchance, this pearl of rare beauty is not aware,
That she is the light of my hope,
That the spirit of her elegance makes me swear
Again not to drop
To the bottomless depths of despair.
In my dream angels voice
A serene not of compassion
Awakens and recreates a new person.
Your sighs and assurances, dream angel,
Have become an eternal receptacle,
Wherein my dreams blossom forth,
Like the dazzling splendor
Of the birth of a new and glorious joy.
Friday, August 5, 2011
When I wrote this poem, I was at a point where dejection with self was just about to sweep me down the dungeons of despair. I took a careful look at my solitary existence and decided that all was not after all lost. I was craving love, a woman's tender love, so much that I found it almost unbearable to hold the physical ache in my heart. After interminably long hours of pensive reflections, a warm feeling ruptured in my soul. I thought I could love a woman in my imagination.
It was then that I got out of bed and went outside. The sky was luminously lit by beautiful stars and there was a cool breeze wafting in from the lake. I sat down gazing at the beautiful vault of the sky, and then the words of this poems began taking shape in my mind. It was about 1.00 AM. Wrote this poem to that imaginary woman I would have loved to have. The woman of my dreams. Little did I know that some day this poem would find its real owner. I have found the woman who came to me in this poetic dream, and this poem is one of a series that will be dedicated to Louis Abala Jabernyiri.I have found true love in her, even if just for a spell.
Sweet nectar upon my tongue,
Would not be as delicious as,
The caress of your succulent lips upon mine.
Your soft, and warm looks,
Are a valuable treasure,
In the deepest chambers of my heart:
To be cherished - every breathing moment of my life
N ought... But the universe dissolve,
Will anything steer my destiny,
To the nether world of Bliss.
But your sweet love;
Perchance, the only strength of my will -
Which now stands tossed about,
By the fickle wind of chance. AND FORTUNE
But knows I, Gentle maiden of my dreams,
That none sane can conjure,
The self-same wisdom of love.
`Tis unfathomable...
Thus my heart despairs,
Whenever love like a thief,
Steals into my soul
For no one;
But every man and woman,
Can cleverly choose
So, abide your time;
My gentle love.
My beauteous Queen,
Seek not beatitude In fickle fortune.
But repose your dreams,
Your peace of mind In that which fate;
Has placed in store yonder,
Hidden from sight
But visible to the unseeing Eyes of the heart
For our hearts,
in desperation
Yearn after each other,
But are locked apart in mortal fight for happiness,
By the insatiable need for possession,
Possessions that sooner decay;
Even as our hearts perpetually,
Beat a solemn song of tenderness,
Of passions,
And of love not lived.
It was then that I got out of bed and went outside. The sky was luminously lit by beautiful stars and there was a cool breeze wafting in from the lake. I sat down gazing at the beautiful vault of the sky, and then the words of this poems began taking shape in my mind. It was about 1.00 AM. Wrote this poem to that imaginary woman I would have loved to have. The woman of my dreams. Little did I know that some day this poem would find its real owner. I have found the woman who came to me in this poetic dream, and this poem is one of a series that will be dedicated to Louis Abala Jabernyiri.I have found true love in her, even if just for a spell.
Sweet nectar upon my tongue,
Would not be as delicious as,
The caress of your succulent lips upon mine.
Your soft, and warm looks,
Are a valuable treasure,
In the deepest chambers of my heart:
To be cherished - every breathing moment of my life
N ought... But the universe dissolve,
Will anything steer my destiny,
To the nether world of Bliss.
But your sweet love;
Perchance, the only strength of my will -
Which now stands tossed about,
By the fickle wind of chance. AND FORTUNE
But knows I, Gentle maiden of my dreams,
That none sane can conjure,
The self-same wisdom of love.
`Tis unfathomable...
Thus my heart despairs,
Whenever love like a thief,
Steals into my soul
For no one;
But every man and woman,
Can cleverly choose
So, abide your time;
My gentle love.
My beauteous Queen,
Seek not beatitude In fickle fortune.
But repose your dreams,
Your peace of mind In that which fate;
Has placed in store yonder,
Hidden from sight
But visible to the unseeing Eyes of the heart
For our hearts,
in desperation
Yearn after each other,
But are locked apart in mortal fight for happiness,
By the insatiable need for possession,
Possessions that sooner decay;
Even as our hearts perpetually,
Beat a solemn song of tenderness,
Of passions,
And of love not lived.
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