Deep in my heart,
As natural as the stars glitter,
Sophisticated beauty sits.
Your captivating sensuous elegance
A bold expression of artistic perfection.
Undaunted by space and distance
Currents of your vibrant sensuality,
And sonorous echoes of your lilting voice
Gently strums my heart-strings joyfully
Each time your voice tenderly calls.
Deep in my heart,
With every heart-beat
My inner self palpitates expectantly
In heroic veneration;
Awaiting to pay homage,
To your stunning and charming appeal.
In rhythmic and melodious tunes,
My heart suffuses with thrilling ecstasy
To your sounds and sighs
Each time your voice tenderly calls.
Deep in my heart,
Like the substance of dreams,
Ephemeral yet enduring;
So does your ethereal presence
Flash fires of brilliant loveliness;
Which in tender flames of attraction
Reaches out and delicately touches
Every part of my being
Each time your voice tenderly calls.
Deep in my heart,
You’ve become a song;
An eternal song,
To which my dreams daily dances.
A glorious song,
That no pain nor sorrows can erase
A soft, soothing song,
That forever will make my soul yield
Each time your voice tenderly calls.
Deep in my heart,
You’ve become a tune;
A tune of overpowering pleasure
Whispering in harmony with my spirit.
And as sweetly as saintly voices from heaven
Your laughter is a chorus of Angelic purity
That in rapturous cadence and trills,
Calms my senses into submission
Each time your voice tenderly calls.
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