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Friday, May 20, 2011

Ever More No More

The pain of not having an aim,

The pain of watching dreams Slain

By the aim of making gain,

Is a game hard to tame.

Time, they say, erases pain!

But pain stretches time forever,

Never welcoming peace again -

And so pain remains,

Overseeing the remains of dreams

Drowning in the depths of life's streams,

Whose death echo chimes of sorrow

For nothing awaits tomorrow.

Now my heart has a stain

That always will stay;

Fraying the purity of my soul,

Slowly,surely killing the spirit;

Extinguishing the light within;

Enthroning darkness evermore,

And so my life means no more.

I wrote this poem one morning when nothing seemed to make sense out of my struggles to be a writer. And for some inexplicable reason, when I started writing I was so happy but when I put the full stop, I suddenly lost grip and collapsed in a wave of racking sobs. Catharsis? Was it that!

My blogs will be about this and more. Visit and read some more here

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