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Monday, August 29, 2011


The sight of your face,
The intensity of your love
Sets my passions on a race;
And like the brilliance of a starry night above
Your presence, lovely and comely,
Forms a halo of radiance around my heart –
Tattered and lonely
And so, tenderness illuminates my inner parts.
Time ceases, then,
A visual celebration of your image
Builds butter-soft emotions
Whose loving touch, feathery and caressing,
Invades all my senses with every stolen glance.
Time is reborn, when,
The essence of your fragile femininity
Like the roar of distant thunder,
Sets my heart-beat
On drumrolls of adoration.

1 comment:

TommileTosh said...

I am very endeared to all of you who take time to visit my blog