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Friday, September 9, 2011



At first eye and eye…
A brief exchange, vacant.
But fleetly discreet a spark;
Of recognition – where?
Of familiarity – why?
Of acknowledgment – perhaps.
Acknowledging what…?

Then a swift turning of the head,
Eyes searching…
A false step, stumble, a crash.
OUCH! That hurts –
Rubbing a bruised temple
And burning under the baleful stare
Of a growling giant,
I croak…``Sorry…’’ and move on.
Mind searching.
Nebulous feelings, enfeebling.
Heart searching…
Then delirious sensations, a dizzying spell
Starts tingling with my nerves,
Once more I turn, Scanning…
But all I see are unfamiliar faces.
That face…those eyes…that smile!
Was it really a smile meant for me?

Hours pass, full of dreams,
Days flow, in thought filled streams
As sweet as warm wine,
Bringing back sweet memories
Of a flashing moment.

Then again, another time;
A different place, a new moment.
Another look – transfixing
Then the same feelings again’
Of recognition
And a merry smile,
And an imperceptible nod
Of familiarity
And acknowledgment –

My heart lurches, cheering wildly,
Inviting an impetuous and capricious spirit
That sets my mind whirling with thoughts…
What wonders can an inaudible sigh hold?
What marvels lies behind misty eyes?
A visage gentle and coy.
Yes – love, the endless spell of a magical look, a fleeting moment

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