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Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Ensnared by thought, thought and thoughts
My entire being in a life-long captivity is.
My whole life has not known,
Any moment of respite;
A minute of peace;
A second of bliss;
Nor a hint of release
From this fort of turmoil
That in impregnable majesty,
Looms large and unshakable –
A key in hand, lock in place;
An eternal and inexorable guard against escape
From this confining damnation, doom, miseries and tribulations-
In a palatable guise – life.

I am not privy to destiny’s cabinet council,
To fate’s executive seat,
And to fortunes supreme command.
This are relics from a distant and alien past
And emissaries to a bleak and sinister future.
Timelessness, it seems, surpasses agelessness,
For what does not cease with and in time?
Death? Life? Agony?

Only time does not freeze.
Ever present
Out of mind, out of space.
And how am I, a mere mortal
Supposed to contend with time?
With what am I to fill up the chasm-
This present?
How am I to dance to
The chimes of times echoing
An esoteric melody?
Only time can tell,
For isn’t it time alone that matters?

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